Saturday, August 25, 2012

Practice Olympics Results are in!!

Practice Olympics Results: 

Winning Team:

Purple Team wins Gold, with 6,207 minutes this summer.  That's more than 103 hours, or 4.3 solid days of practice! Great job!

Individual Awards for Overall Best Practicers:

Arwen H.- 2,240 min. (student of Christy Wisuthseriwong)
Eric W.- 1,635 min. (student of Christy Wisuthseriwong)
Rachel C.- 1,390 min. (student of Janice Wells & Susannah Steele)

Individual Awards by Team:

Red: Krish S.- 985 min. (student of Samee Griffith)

Blue: Natalie J.- 1,126 min. (student of Samee Griffith)

Green: Tate O.- 1,305 min. (student of Ben Blozan)

Yellow: Eric W.- 1,635 min. (student of Christy Wisuthseriwong)

Purple: Arwen H.- 2,240 min. (student of Christy Wisuthseriwong)

Congratulations to all our Practice Olympians!  Together you recorded 30,573 minutes this summer!!

(Click on 'Practice Olympics' tab for top Olympians by studio)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Practice Olympics: Updated Aug 18, 2012

Purple is in the lead once again, with 5,124 minutes. Only one more week until closing ceremonies  - - keep practicing!

Monday, August 6, 2012

2012 Practice Olympics: August 5

Check out the latest results of the 2012 Piano Practice Olympics!  Purple team is leading the pack, but yellow and green are not far behind. Keep practicing!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

fall letter to families

August 5, 2012

Hello MANC Families,

I hope you all have had a great summer!  Can you believe it’s almost time for fall? Please carefully read the following e-mail and attachment for important information about the upcoming term at MANC.


It is time to set up the schedule for lessons, and I have included a copy of the fall schedule as it stands now.  Please respond with the following information by Monday, August 13:

For summer students:
Will you be continuing in the fall?  If so, would you like to keep your current lesson time?  If you would like to change your lesson day or time please list at least 3 times slots you have available in order of your preference.  

For returning spring/fall students:
Please list at least 3 time slots you have available for lesson times in order of your preference.  I will do my best to accommodate your requests.  Summer students will have priority in keeping their current lesson time.

For all students:
Please let me know if you’d like to adjust the regular length of lessons.  I recommend 45 minute or hour lessons for all advancing intermediate students.

Are there any special considerations you would like me to take into account in determining the fall schedule?  

I’d like to include a copy of the lesson schedule (with first names only) on the studio website (  If for any reason you do NOT want you/your child’s name to be listed on the site, please let me know by August 13th.

Fall 2012








*Gate City










MANC class*


*Yellow areas represent times currently available for lessons.  If the student is interested in lessons at other times (i.e. morning, early afternoon) please let me know and I’ll do my best to accommodate your request.  


In the next few weeks you will be receiving registration information by mail and email.  Please complete and return your registration as soon as possible so that we can get off to a great start this fall.


Please read the updated studio syllabus, which can be found at

New this year:

As many of you know, I have created a website devoted to our piano studio which includes important dates, information, news, etc.  I’d also like to recognize the many achievements of my students throughout the year, even those non-music related.  In addition to being musicians, I’m happy that so many students also excel in school, athletics, theatre, and other areas, and I’d like to include their accomplishments on this site as well.  

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns via email or phone.  I've had a great summer with many of you, and I'm looking forward to continuing into a successful year of music-making!


Important Dates for Fall 2012:

August 26                        1st day of fall term
September 3                        Labor Day (no lessons: studios and offices closed)
October 26                        Fall Studio Recital*
November 17                        4th Annual Fall Piano Festival**
November 21-25            Thanksgiving Break (no lessons)
December 23-Jan 1            Winter Break (no lessons)
January 2                        Lessons resume
January 20                        First day of Spring Term

*All of my students will have the opportunity to perform on the Fall Studio Recital in October.  (Halloween costumes are encouraged!)
** All students are automatically enrolled for the comments-only portion of the festival.  More information will be provided as the festival approaches.

Student Showcase Recitals:

Students will be invited to perform at the discretion of the instructor, and are encouraged to perform on at least one Showcase recital per term.

September 16                                    Student Showcase Recital
October 14                                    Student Showcase Recital
October 30                                    Adult Student Recital and Reception
November 18                                    Student Showcase Recital
December 9                                    Student Showcase Recital

You are all invited to attend the Faculty Showcase recital on Friday, September 30.  Many of the instructors at the Academy and I will be performing that evening to help raise funds for student scholarships.