Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Group Piano

Don't forget!

1st Group Piano Class of the year is this Saturday, September 26th at 9:30.

Families are also invited to stick around for the children's concert later that morning. Free face painting and hands-on instrument exploration begins at 10:30, and concert starts at 11. This is an adult-, kid-, toddler-friendly event!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Tunes at Noon

Congratulations to my students Kezia and Karissa Sitepu, who performed at this year's Tunes at Noon downtown. You both performed beautifully and represented the studio so well! (Sorry I didn't get a picture of you performing, Kezia, since we played together! If someone else got one I'd be happy to post it.)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Group Piano

The piano faculty have met and we have great plans for group piano this fall!  Some classes will be performance classes, and others will have topic discussions, games, or other activities.  Perhaps equally as important, this is a great opportunity to build an atmosphere of community and collaboration among our piano students. I believe last year was a great success, and both teachers and students have benefited from this format. 

A few changes this year: 

  • Several studios are participating (Wisuthseriwong, Blankenship, Leddy, and my own studio) this year so we will separate junior" and "senior" classes. This way students can work in smaller groups with students around their age.
  • For the most part we ask that group classes be students-only. We will invited parents and families in on certain days, but we have found that students were more open and engaged when it was just "the kids."
  • We will not be using Sign Up Genius to RSVP. We will remind you of the dates in lessons and over email, but we are eliminating that step of the process.
  • All group classes will be held on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March Madness 2015: And the Winner Is...

J.S. Bach, Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, WTC I!!

Congrats to everyone who participated in this listening challenge. You are all better musicians for having listened to a few of the great works of these major composers.  Plan to celebrate your work - -  Piano Party date to be announced soon!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

March Madness

Round 3 results are in!!

And the winners are...

J. S. Bach, Prelude and Fugue in C Minor
M. Ravel, Ondine

Click on our March Madness page to cast your vote! I'm looking forward to 100% participation this week!

You can also hear what the other teams are listening to if you visit Christy Wisuthseriwong's studio blog here:

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

And the Round 2 winners are....

J.S. Bach, C Minor Prelude, WTC I, No. 2
J. Brahms, Intermezzo in A Major, Op. 118
M. Ravel, Ondine
G. Gershwin, Prelude No. 3

Remember, you must vote for your assigned team no later than Monday, March 16th, but you can also listen to the other pieces and vote on other teams as well! Invite your friends and family to listen and cast their votes!

Go to the March Madness tab to see your listening assignment for this week!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Round 1

And the Round 1 winners are....

Red Team: J.S. Bach, C Minor Prelude, WTC I, No. 2
Orange Team: W. Mozart, Sonata in B-flat Major, K. 333
Yellow Team: J. Brahms, Intermezzo in A Major, Op. 118
Green Team: F. Liszt, Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2
Blue Team: R. Schumann, Op. 15, No. 2
Purple Team: M. Ravel, Ondine
Pink Team: G. Gershwin, Prelude No. 3
White Team: A. Khachaturian, Toccata

The winner from each of the 8 groups from our opening round will advance. Remember, you must vote for your assigned team, but you can also listen to the other pieces and vote on other teams as well! Invite your friends and family to listen and cast their votes!

Go to the March Madness tab to see your listening assignment for this week!

Monday, March 2, 2015

March Madness

March Madness has begun!! Visit the March Madness Piano Challenge tab to participate.

The challenge will culminate in an end-of-March Madness party at MANC on Friday, March 27th.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Group Piano

Thanks to all who attended the Group Piano class on Saturday with Evelyn Smith! It was really interesting to see all the moving parts of the piano and how it all works. We were so grateful that she was able to spend the morning with us!

Friday, February 6, 2015

First Group Class of the Year

First group class of the year is tomorrow morning at 9 AM!  We are going to talk about different styles of classical music and play some listening games.

Any adults or students ages 14+ are invited to go to the Alexander Technique Workshop in the performance hall at 10:30 (with a free intro at 10).