Thursday, October 11, 2012

Upcoming Events!

Mark your calendars for these two upcoming events with the piano department at the Music Academy:

Halloween Recital: Friday, October 26 at 4:30 pm and 6 pm

  • Costumes, Halloween and Autumn-themed music performed by the piano students of MANC
  • We'll have chairs, but would also encourage you to bring a blanket to sit on the floor
  • We'd appreciate any snacks or drinks to share for the reception
  • Bring your family and friends! Everyone is invited (but not required) to wear a costume

Piano Festival: Saturday, November 17th - performing events/workshops for students, families, and teachers throughout the day
Some highlights: 
  • Solo and technique playing for comments
  • Recording Studio Open House by Chris Rachal, Recording Engineer
  • Tour "Inside the Instrument" by Evelyn Smith, Piano Technician 
  • "Teaching Student Concertos" Workshop by Samee Griffith and Aaron Mood, MANC faculty
  • Ensemble Division: ensemble coaching with MANC piano faculty for...
  • Final Recital: Ensemble performances and two student concertos

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